Apache Cassandra step by step Tutorial

Apache Cassandra step by step Tutorial 2020

These are the best  Apache Cassandra step by step Tutorial 2020 to learn apache Cassandra in year 2020. These tutorials are very short and very comprehensive. Very well explained point to point detail.Learn Apache Cassandra from scratch in 24 hours.

Use Of Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra is a distributed Big data (database) management tool.  Cassandra is specially designed for dealing with large volume of  semi structured and structured data that is distributed to different servers. In this Cassandra tutorial, These different topics will be covered and much more.

  1. Cassandra data modeling, clusters,
  2. Cassandra Monitoring tool
    1. Opscenter Tool for Cassandra Health Monitoring.
    1. Installation of Opscenter
    1. Configuration of Opscenter
  3. Cassandra Cluster Setup (From Scratch)
  4. Cassandra Query Language

In prerequisite nothing is much necessary, but having the knowledge of other Big data tools or databases like MongoDB or HBase will help to grasp the concepts early. Cassandra provides high level availability due to its property of replication. It replicates the data on multiple servers in its cluster. If one server goes down the queries will be handled by the others servers   in cluster.

Prerequisite For Learning Apache Cassandra Setup

No prerequisites are compulsory but the knowledge of other big data tools will be a plus point.

Topic Wise Tutorials of Cassandra Cluster Setup

Tutorial           Cassandra Architecture

Tutorial          Complete Installation of Casandra on Ubuntu from scratch: A                           Step By Step Guide

Tutorial          Comprehensive and short explanation Cassandra Replication                          factor concept.

Tutorial          Casandra Data Modeling with simple and comprehensive                                   Example

Tutorial          Create Keyspace concept in Cassandra. Along with how to                                   Drop & Alter Keyspace in Cassandra? Cassandra Create Table.

Tutorial           Cassandra Query Language (CQL): Read Data, Insert, Delete,                              Update

Tutorial           Comprehensive Tutorial on How to create an index and drop                           an index on Cassandra Keyspace.?

Tutorial           Data Types and TTL (Time to Live), Data Expiration in                                         Cassandra Tutorial

 Tutorial          Collections in Cassandra SET, MAP and List

 Tutorial          Cassandra Cluster Setup on Multiple Machines (Nodes)

 Tutorial          Opscenter Complete Installation and configuration for Cassandra Cluster Health monitoring. A Cassandra cluster manager

Tutorial           DatastaxDevCenter Complete Installation and configuration                             To Connect with Cassandra Cluster and Query like SQL

Tutorial          Cassandra SECURITY Authentication – Create a new User &                                authenticate it With JMX

What is Cassandra NoSQL Database?

Apache Cassandra is distributed, highly scalable and high performance Big data database tool.  Cassandra is designed to handle huge amount of data (Terabytes) distributed across many machines (servers).

Apache Cassandra step by step Tutorial

In this figure it is shown that how cassandra nodes or machines interact with each other how the nodes interact with client to insert and update and data. In above figure each circle with some number show a cassandra node. And the lines between these circles show the link between them. And the arrow from client to node 6 shows that client send and delete data using node 6.

Due to the distributed cassandra architecture it is very easy to handle terabytes of data. Data sent to cassandra cluster is distributed to multiple machines with more than one replication factor. The replication factor depend on how critical is your data and what kind of availability you want. Normally it is 3 means one record is replicated on 3 machines for availability in case of some machine failure with no single point of failure.

Remaining Part of Apache Cassandra step by step Tutorial is uploaded soon.

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