Putty Download For Windows

Putty Download for Windows Latest Version Free

Putty Download for Windows

Title: PuTTY 0.69

Filename: putty-installer-techfilehippo.exe

File size: 2.24 MB

Supported Platforms: Windows 10 32 bit / Windows 10 64 bit / Windows 8.1 32 bit / Windows 8.1 64 bit / Windows 8 32 bit / Windows 8 64 bit / Windows 7 32 bit / Windows 7 64 bit / Windows vista 32 bit / Windows vista 64 bit / Windows XP 32 bit / Windows XP 64 bit /

Supported Languages: Multiple languages

Licensing Requirements: Open Source

Date uploadded: May 2, 2017

Author: Simon Tatham

Homepage: www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/

Putty Download for Windows is a client application for the telnet, SSH and Rlogin network protocols. The protocols listed above are used run a remote session on a machine, over the network. The application PuTTY exe download implements the client end of that session: The end at which the session of PuTTY is displayed is  the end at which the application runs.

     To Download Putty.exe . Click Here

In simple words, the user run Putty Download for Windows on a his windows machine/ PC, and make it to connect to a Linux machine. Putty Download for Windows opens a window. After that, anything a user type into that windows is sent to that Linux machine, and the response that Linux machine sends back is viewed in the window. So a user is able to work on any Linux machine as if he was sitting at its console or windows machine, or can access any Linux server from his windows PC.

The Putty Download for Windows package includes the following tools:

  • Putty Download for Windows (the SSH and Telnet client itself)
  • PSCP (an SCP client, i.e. command-line secure file copy)
  • PuTTYgen (an DSA and RSA key generation utility).
  • PSFTP (an SFTP client, i.e. used for file transfer sessions much like FTP)
  • Pageant (an SSH authentication agent for PSCP, PuTTY, and Plink)
  • Plink (a command line interface to the PuTTY back ends)
  • PuTTYtel (a Telnet only client)

To Download Putty Latest Version free for Windows. Click Below


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