Download Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Latest Version Free

Download Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Latest Version Free

Download Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Latest Version Free


Application File Name: ms-visual-source-safe-2005-techfilehippo

Application Size: 92.22 MB

Supported Platforms: Windows 7 32 bit / Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 32 bit/ Windows 8 64-bit / Windows 10 32 bit/ Windows 10 64-bit/Windows Vista 32 bit/Windows vista 64 bit/Windows XP 32 bit/Windows XP 64 bit

Supported Languages: Multiple languages

Licensing Requirements: Commercial Trial

Date added: April 05, 2017

Author: Microsoft Corporation



Download Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Latest version free is a discontinued Application or source control program by Microsoft, the main focus of this utility is towards small software development projects. Like many other source control systems, Download Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Latest version free creates a virtual library of computer files. The application is most commonly used for source code, the application can handle multiple type of files almost all type of files in its database, the older versions are unstable when a user used to store large amounts of non-textual files and data such as videos, images, and compiled executables of software projects.

To download Visual source safe.Click Here

Download Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Latest version free application supports cross-platform file sharing and development by allowing all members sharing and editing of data. The VSS is especially designed to handle the issues of tracking and portability that are mainly involved in maintaining one source control base, for example, a software project code base, is spread across multiple operating systems and machines. For developer level users, Microsoft Visual SourceSafe accommodates reusable or object-oriented code snippets. It makes it very easier for a particular user to track the applications and programs that use particular code modules.

The main functionality of Download Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Latest version free is

At a minimum, VSS does the following:

  • Helps to protect your development team from accidental file loss or any unwanted situation.
  • Make it very easy to back-track to earlier versions of all files uploaded in VSS.
  • It supports sharing, branching, merging, and management of all file releases.
  • Very easy Track of versions of entire projects.
  • Tracks modular code (one file that is reused, or shared, by multiple projects).


The current release of Download Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Latest version free is fully compatible with database versions 6.0 and earlier.

To Download Microsoft Visual SourceSafe Latest version free.Click Below


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